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Old 2009-04-17, 06:31   Link #12614
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Somewhere
Originally Posted by darkstrife View Post
i just have another question in regards to spraypaints, i just bought the flat clear tamiya spray today (ts-80) and on the can it says that i shouldn't spray this on decals or stickers, however most people on this forum said that this was ok, so i jus want to clarify this...

also with the tamiya metallic silver spray (ts-83) which i also received today, on the can it says its best to undercoat the part first with a black spray then spray it with the silver as then the finish will be smooth. jus wondering though as i dont have a black spray paint, is it ok if i apply another colour onto the part being parted or is it fine just to spray the metallic silver directly onto it?
Don't know about everyone else's views on this. But I already mentioned this before a few pages back that Tamiya clear spray (TS-80) can eat into decals. This is because it's a lacquer spray and not water soluble. It's not guaranteed it will eat into it, but there's a coherent risk. Especially when sprayed heavily or too close

As for metallic spray. You can do it without anything else. Although I wouldn't recommend just spraying it on it's own. Even if you don't have black paint you should use a primer to get best results out of the silver. Also say if the base colour of the kit is maybe bright red. There is a Chance the colour can show up underneath the silver.
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