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Old 2009-04-20, 22:22   Link #16
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Age: 35
Originally Posted by Slice of Life View Post
Maybe you live in a less anonymous community then and with a suspiciously low number of people just looking for a useful idiot. More power to you then. My neighbor would probably want to know if I can't fix the problem alone whatever it is, if it really can't wait a few hours, why I'm asking him to fix it of all people, why can't pay anybody for fixing it and so on. And he will tell me that for exactly this Sunday he had promised his wife blah, blah. He probably wouldn't let me standing in the rain if I can answer all his questions convincingly but neither would complete strangers, I think, if they see I'm really in a pinch. It's just that a friend won't ask all those questions in the first place because he'll trust me enough to assume that I've already thought the situation through from his POV too, so to say.

And why should my neighbors be my friends? The wonderful thing about friends is that you can choose them. You also wouldn't marry a girl just because she lives next door, would you.
That sucks, the reason why I think i've been lucky with my neighbors is because I've lived in many "asian" communities or asian dominated communities and everybody has lived the life of first generation immigrants so we all share the hardships that everybody has gone through, and with asians people you can relate to are great, I mean my nieghbors buy my groceries through a co op, and this wasn't even something that I had to ask to be a part of, they came to my door and offered. Too bad we cant all have great neighbors huh? It really is a shame how we have forgotten words of wisdom like love thy neighbor.
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