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Old 2009-04-25, 03:19   Link #239
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Originally Posted by Blackbeard D. Kuma View Post
Yeah right. You're argument this whole time has been that Luffy is stronger than Moria simply because he beat him. And my response to this was, he only beat him because of a 100 shadow power-up. Do you understand? It wasn't Luffy's power to begin with. Whereas Oz and the zombie army are all a part of Moria's power. As for a one on one fight, again look what happened in their first encounter. It's true that Luffy didn't use his gears, but then again Moria was just playing around and look at how much trouble he was giving him. Luffy using the gears would indeed close this strength gap and even exceed it possibly, but then the gap in strength would open up again once Moria would get serious. In the end, Moria would still win.
And i am say the way you say he only beat him because of the power up , i can say it only because luffy had such great will power that it allow him to hold 100 shadows.

Chapter 463 luffy face moria for first time luffy got hit with some bats then he got piss kick moria.
Moria then run from luffy when Oz show up in chapter 469

Chapter 474 kuma tell moria the WG fears they may lose another warlord because of the SH. The same chapter moria got piss of about what kuma told him he went and fight in OZ VS the SH. They were doing okay VS OZ and there were about to get more salt it was only because Moria was in OZ that they did not get back luffy shadow. This also allow Oz to power up

Oz is not a part of moria power his power allow him to make them zombies. In one of the later chapters you see moria with rest of the warlords . If fight was to break out Oz would not be there he would be no help in the fight that why i say he not a full part of his power . he also not something you can carry around like a sword or a gun.

you say if moria get serious he would beat luffy i ask how ,This same moria that had 1000 shadows in him punch luffy , stamp on him about 5 times and luffy got up like nothing happen .
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