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Old 2009-04-28, 16:07   Link #112
~*Eternal Bakaness*~
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Cheesecake wonderland
But Mayaa Sakamoto songs doesn't feel like anime songs. Shokotan is famous for being an otaku herself and did Guren Lagann openings (Although I do think Masaki Endou cover of Sorairo Days). Not all ani-son singers have only otaku fans, Nana Mizuki is currently trying to break into mainstream...yes in her giant concerts its hard to even to spot a non-stereotypical-otaku-lookalike.

But with these 2 singles, chances are otakus who bought it. The seiyuu themselves only did unknown seiyuu work, the manga wasn't well known. I can't see other audiences buying the singles other then moe-fans, Kyo-ani-fans, anime-fans buying muliple copies.

Of course non-otaku might like the song, but the percentage of those people probally can't even be rounded up to 1%.

KyoAni magic = making anything into super-popular 2-chan/4-chan meme and have a sky rocket sales number...
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