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Old 2004-06-15, 02:02   Link #61
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Time Warp/Future
Originally Posted by Ori
You are wrong in the sense that when Lucifer was first created he was an angel in heaven, the most wise and beautiful angel God had created. At one point he became very arrogant and decided that he did not need God. That was when the war in heaven began, Lucifer and his followers (I think it migh have beet 1/3 of the angels in heaven before) were casted to hell by God.

In the bible the devil does not believe he is following God's plan although really he is.
The Bible never said anything about Lucifer being the Devil, or the fallen angels in general. there's only one line "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!" in which "Lucifer" is more likely refering to Babylon rather than Devil. the Lucifer is fallen angel and Devil stuff is not in the Bible.

Instead there are various references in Old Testament to Satan/Adversary who sounded more like a proxy of God.
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