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Old 2004-06-15, 14:37   Link #19
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Antwerp area, Belgium, Europa
Age: 48
Hmmm, patriotic, hard to say. I can't say I would go to war for my country.

However I am concerned about the decline of our culture (which is the Flemish Culture in belgium) because of the french and english influence. That really worries me, it also worries me that many of our kids no longer are interested in our flemish heritage, they don't care about our rich past, they don't seem to care about our language, they all wanna be americans or french or whatever.

Also as kj1980 mentioned, crime and suicides are going rampant these days. Alot of gangs from outside Flanders robbing banks and beating up people only to quickly escape over the border afterwards. And our flemish politicians who do nothing but suck up to the french. They all want Flanders and Belgium to be important in the world. Can't these fools see that a small country like ours with no economic, financial or political influence at all is better off trying to take care of its citizens and culture instead of trying to impress big nations...

Anyway, sorry about the rant. Am I a patriot? Dunno, but I love my country and culture, I'm a flemish nationalist ...

In case you wonder this is the official flag of Flanders, the dutch speaking part of belgium, which I believe should separate from Belgium and become an independant republic
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