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Old 2009-05-08, 07:42   Link #1508
At the end of this world
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Hungary, Europe
Age: 39
@Northernme. Yeah I noticed there are thousand contradicting sources regarding the demons, deities, and such demigods. In the end none of them was able to give a clear, understandable answer. Actually some articles even regard Beelzebub (Gluttony) and no1 of the 72, Baal the same deity, but I believe that's also false.

Though it's clearly odd that Asmodeus is (theoretically speaking) only 5 "rank" behind Ronove (who is #27). What I find odd is, that Beato said how hard is to summon one of the 72 demons and how much magical energy and material stuff she had to sacrifice or something, but I believe summoning Asmodeus as one of the seven stakes, should have been the same difficulty, since she is a goetic demon too, and she's ranked fairly close in power to Ronove. (It shouldn't be that hard than is it?) Or Ryukishi didn't noticed that Asmodeus and Asmoday are the same entities?

@Jan-Poo I know I linked that on my post before . That was actually which started to puzzle me, who and why decided about Satan and leave out/ignore Amon. Though it's questionable Satan and Lucifer is the same (they say here they are seperate entitys, and check the wikipage too). As I said though I always thought Lucifer is just a different name for Satan (as is Devil too), but I admit, my knowledge about religion is really poor.

Actually your scenario isn't impossible though. If you would qualify as an awesome theologist and write some nonsense about say Aztec Gods, and no one would be able to prove it wrong (or the ones who try to prove you wrong, are too quiet, and nothing would be preserved from them to the posterity), people several hundred years later regard your nonsense as a valuable and genuine possibility. At least I personally don't find that unimaginable, and I think it might have been the same with that fellow.
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