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Old 2009-05-10, 23:50   Link #60
a regular van veen
Join Date: Feb 2007
Heh, the Nina/Leerin meeting was quite cute; it helps that Leerin's constant focus on Layfon (girl, get a life!) was interrupted even for just a while. It's nice to see them become fast friends, though the possible tension in the future (regarding Layfon) is so palpable it reeks.

I feel a bit bad for Felli, who I used to dislike a whole lot but who also, surprisingly, grew on me as time passed; unlike some posters here, I don't think Layfon's that dense. He must have some inkling of what Felli was getting at in that last scene. I suppose Layfon's statement was as direct as he could manage. We shall see whether anything else, sudden realizations or whatnot, comes out of this in the future episodes.
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