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Old 2009-05-15, 03:00   Link #1
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Yokosuka, JP
Age: 43
ScriptClub Reborn

For those of you who remember you know how great of a loss it was when that database went down. I have for the past year been attempting to create a new version of this resource for the same uses that the original was for. This project will remain true to the original system of scriptclub with addition security features to further reduce the use of these scripts by DVD rippers, bootleggers, and other fansub groups misusing other peoples work for their own personal gains.

If you were a script club member in the past and still have scripts form scriptclub, I request that you please help the new one by supplying as many of these scripts to the project as possible. I have tried to contact the original scriptclub owners on many occasions, but they are MIA. If you have contact with them, that would also be of great help. Their input would be of priceless value in the development of a new version.

On another note, we are going to begin beta testing soon. Beta testing will be quite exclusive. We will only be accepting group leaders, of well established groups, who have a highly trusted reputation in the community for "ethical" behavior. This means they have never been accused of script theft, ftp/site hacking, group attacking.

Thanks to the following people.

"TheFluff" for the work he is doing with Aegisub atm which entails the importing of very old subtitle formats so they may be converted to .ssa/.ass.

"MasterCJ" repository development team

"Kou" repository development team

And to the current beta testers and persons who have donated scripts already.
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