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Old 2009-05-15, 09:12   Link #10
awarpsharp is good
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Not Japan :((
Originally Posted by getfresh View Post
Anonymous as in who is grabbing the scripts, not as in who is uploading them. The tracking for leech is so that we can better tell if someone is using another groups scripts to release their own versions. Also if the group should so choose they can make their scripts totally public. They are their scripts and they can do with them as they should so wish. But as that is true, some groups do not wish for their scripts to be available to everyone openly or some groups want to be able to stop share on scripts if they are licensed. I have to respect those types of wishes.
You do realize that putting them in a simple folder would be sufficient if you want the leecher to be anonymous? Only the IP address will display in httpd logs. Not to mention, you can disable that too. But now here comes the contradiction, or at least that's what I understood.

First you said you will make the grabber anonymous and then you talk about tracking the people. What? And if you post your scripts to the public, you can be pretty sure it'll be hard to prevent others to use them. So it's basically either everyone can use it or just the elitist buddys. But that would defeat the purpose. If groups decide to stop sharing their scripts upon licensing then you can always manually disable that upon request. Though don't forget, once the scripts are made public it's pretty hard to prevent them being reposted somewhere else.

That brings me back to my question: Why make it so complicated? Just keep the spirit of the original site and everyone is happy.
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