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Old 2009-05-17, 14:07   Link #196
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Age: 35
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Originally Posted by ginran View Post
Shirley and her inspirational speeches...there was the one in stage 14 and the "Love is Power!", THAT one...but you gotta love those things she said. Anyways, the one at the end of stage 14 was one of my favorite scenes. Shirley's speech + Masquerade + ShirLulu was just great, even if it was sad. Poor Lelouch, you could see he was upset then when she asked if he lost a family member, and he looked down and said how he'd miss her smile and those things...

and the "Lulu"! XD I always wondered when she started calling him that...and its cute how she's the only one who calls him that. except, I think Milly said it once to tease her, but other than that, its just Shirley.
Yeah, the way this scene was orchestrated, was really amazing. And the night-concept, i really loved it, definitely in my top-5.

And yeah, Lelouch realized what it is always said "you do not cherish something, till the time you lose it." Shirley was a great friend for him {and maybe could be something more potentially, if it was not for the Zero path //Shirley's question} and it was exactly what he said. The friends-silly-arguments and the smiles-around-the-friends, might seem like simple things but in reality, they are so important. And that is why Lelouch was looking that sad in that moment, he could never go back to those days. Another realization, that his Zero persona, was not nice-flowers, like at all.
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