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Old 2009-05-23, 00:34   Link #105
Master Chibi
.: A bad doggy :.
Join Date: Jun 2007

I was getting worried that the only time we'd ever actually see them actually perform as a band and playing the instruments was in the opening.

That being said:

Animal suits bit - Boring. Maid bit - Extremely dull. The concept that a teacher who was into heavy metal who is now an adult is suddenly into 'cosplaying' her club members reeks of a forced plot device.

Mio being Mio - God just fucking stop already with this bitch. Her reaction before the curtains went up made me want to step on her throat and slam her guitar to the back of her head. All her personal tendencies have become horribly overdone at this point, so sick of it.

The performance - Yui and Mio sang great. The song was extremely cute and catchy. We got to see them actually PLAY THE INSTRUMENTS, it was all fine... until Kyoto decided to be dumb and display pictures of the rest of the school like I really give a flying fuck during what would have been an awesome solo by Yui that I would have killed (Mio) to see animated.

New girl - Twin tailed loli. What a surprise. So original.

Meh, can't have everything.
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