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Old 2009-05-23, 03:37   Link #110
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
This episode earns a 8.5 from me (I voted an 8 in the poll because I don't like to round up in series that haven't deserved it.)

It is no mistake that my rating of this episode, and that of other skeptics in this thread was much better than pretty much all K-ON episodes before this.

While the overplayed gags and other things that I just keep mentioning every week like a tape recorder were still there this episode, it managed to do what I expected of this show in the first place.

For once I felt like I was watching an anime about a band, rather than an anime with a band (If that makes sense). For once they used the characters' personalities correctly in their attempts to bide humor from the audience. Examples of this is when Ritsu is playing the role of the hyperactive drum player at the end and jumps on her prey (Hey I found a moment like this actually amusing!). For once did they actually show someone in the band showing what it means to take care of an instrument and show the band actually play (Yui when she was tuning her guitar, and the performance).

I'm also happy to get a breath of fresh air with how they integrated the plot into the overall subject of K-ON! We're watching a band in a school, and we actually get to see them work at getting new members. This is a fair topic for an episode... Unlike when they decide to spend an entire episode on Yui being ADD with her test. I enjoy seeing a new member join the ranks to add possibly an interesting dynamic to the band's chemistry (That seemed to be nonexistant till this episode).

Don't most people think that at least this was one of the better, if not the best episode of K-ON! so far? Maybe we're getting onto something here? Take the focus of the show onto the band, not the idiosyncractic behaviors of our moe whore (Mio), her two goof ball friends (Yui and Ritsu), and the cake monster.

Can K-ON! keep it up in the future episodes? For the sake of not wanting to get disappointed I'm going to say no, however, I do hope that it does.
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