Thread: 07-GHOST anime
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Old 2009-05-25, 03:09   Link #325
I like guavas.
Join Date: May 2009
After my marathon re-viewing of the 7 episodes so far, I think perhaps this is the most entertaining series this season. Yes, even more so than Eden of the East at this point.

What I am even more amazed at is the fact that I care about and immensely enjoy the characters, even though they are largely just stock characters duly delineated into evil/good. Usually, cliche characters drag down a show, but for some reason, the cliche characters in this series have an extra oomph, making them fun.

Maybe it's the odd humor? I think making them eat all the weird foods and eyeballs is a nice touch.

Actually, I'm very pleasantly surprised at how good this show is -- it certainly has exceeded all my expectations.

In addition, I think the animation is first rate. The characters don't blink that much, but at the same time, the animation is candy for the eyes (not as much as Macross Frontier was, but at least the characters have better haircuts in this one). I love the glean and shine they apply to every frame, and hopefully the production values remain at this level throughout the 26 eps. This extra effort is visible in the way the sun shines down on the bright church grounds (thereby establishing the setting succinctly), as well as on the lips, eyes, and cheeks of characters. I also love the color palette, as well as the over-the-top scoring. Overall, everything is just pretty and pleasant to look at. Moreover, the world and story lines created have drawn me in.

I also noticed after my rewatch that there's a lot of mythology and details to the show that I missed the first time around. I have questions and comments on some of these, so I'll just wrap it all in spoiler tags just to be safe.

Spoiler for Random Musings and Questions on First 7 Eps.:
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