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Old 2009-06-02, 15:58   Link #17
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Talks at the E3 have revealed a Sneak preview to the smuggler's class.


"The smuggler class utilizes a dynamic cover system in combat, which is also a first for the MMO space."

Cover in MMO's? Hell yes! That oughta help to make combat less 'run to their face and bash them.' and more tactical thinking.

"The "social character" has always been a huge role in BioWare games, and the smuggler gives us a chance to have the perfect protagonist for it. For boys who want to chat up the princess while the other nobles look on aghast, for girls who want to bat their eyelashes at their rivals just before shooting them in the knee then laugh [at how gullible he was], for everyone that feels as much triumph from a good con job as a shoot-out and loves being the scoundrel, the smuggler is a dream come true. Of course, The Old Republic is about choices, and if you want to spec your smuggler out to be a scruffy-looking nerfherder with a gun, a bad attitude, and a propensity to shoot first and ask questions later, that route is always there. Just don't expect that "flirt" line you just picked to work nearly as well. "

Looks like we will get more choices than we realize. So we get to chose between 'I blast your head off' or 'I'll talk my way out of this' characters? This reminds me of KotoR. And that is never a bad thing.

"You see, many smugglers are real charmers and like a little class with their appearance--think Lando in Cloud City. In fact, when discussing gear, we affectionately refer to one of the high-end smuggler player-versus-player reward sets as the "Bling" outfit. "

So you mean I get to kick ass and look good doing it?
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