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Old 2009-06-07, 14:08   Link #1946
Shameless Fangirl
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Germany
Age: 34
Originally Posted by prototype_sky View Post
Yes because she was a sister he was very close to as a child. Blood is thicker than water
You forget that Lelouch broke ties with his family the moment he was send to Japan, and with Euphie probably the second Japan was invaded (he wrote her a letter before that).
He was ready to turn her into a person hated by every Number even before his Geass went out of control. And just because he recognized the complete pureness of her heart for what it was in the end, doesn't mean she suddenly became more important to him than anyone except Nunally.
There are bonds stronger than blood, and I have no doubt that for Lelouch, it's Suzaku > Euphie and probably even Shirley/C.C./Kallen > Euphie. I can't prove that, of course, but neither can you, and that's why I say it doesn't belong into this thread.
For Lelouch, blood means nothing - the only person he saw as his family until the end was Nunally. He also accepted Rolo as his brother, even though they were not related by blood.
Oh, and he killed Clovis without a second thought, who indeed was being a bastard, but still genuinely loved Lelouch.

It works both ways - you can also love someone without having romantic feelings for them, family or not.
"I think of the disturbance in Area 11 as a chess puzzle, set forth by Lelouch." - Clovis la Britannia
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