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Old 2009-06-09, 10:15   Link #45
Zu Ra
✖ ǝʇ ɯıqnɾl ☆
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Mortuary : D
Think was a similar thread like this before but not sure on which board .

Generally people tend to create a pseudo persona on the Internet which is a stark 180 from there real selves . I generally dont do that the only difference between real life me and E is two things ,

- I don't have to be diplomatic and flash my pearls to every idiot I meet . I can choose to ignore without having any consequences .

- Second Swearing ...

Swearing, well amongst my friends I am known to have a sailor's mouth . Every sentence inexplicably begins or end with a cuss word . And everyone in my group swears but fortunately no one takes it literally . I remember we had just seen GodFather and for a week we wearing swearing in Italian with hand gestures from Gumba to Cazzo .

But when its on the net I avoid swearing like plague the reason being only immature people are known to abuse it . If the person is swearing the most likely he/she is 12 and probably she/he is really angry about nothing .

On the Internet I am cuss free ...
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