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Old 2004-06-23, 12:45   Link #52
Join Date: Apr 2004
Fullmetal Alchemist is a great show. It's far better than "Good" and quite below "Best".

Different people may have different opinions so I'll just tell you guys what elements attracts me to FMA.

1) It's creativity, this is the first time i've seen a fantasy anime show utilize the chemistry and physics to this point. Alchemy in this show is a great idea and still has lots more potential.

2) It's characters. The relationship between Ed and Al is very interesting (yaoi....). Roy starts off harsh and cold blooded but you learn more about why he's like this which i think is also very interesting. Comedic characters like Armstrong plays his role well.

3) It's plot. The plot is very original. It becomes really dark at some point and then it neutralizes it by introducing some humor in the next episode.

I personally think it's humor and it's "childish" side is tolerable. If they took our the childish side of FMA they would loose a lot of character for Ed, he's suppose to be very innocent (at some areas) and is just on his adventure to learn about the cruel world...if he's already matured whats the whole point....Al's voice is girly because he's still young. If they increase the humor in the series it would certainly ruin the dark side of the story so i guess this is the only way for now.

And another thing. FMA anime and FMA manga are very different. I personally think the anime started to go downhill ever since episode 25 (it's still good but not as good as before) where as the Manga is getting more and more interesting starting from Book 6.
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