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Old 2009-06-19, 23:44   Link #161
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Master Chibi View Post
No matter how many times people go against the grain here, lightly or not, I've never seen them ever ask the people who like the show how they could, just, well, LIKE IT, but the opposite is something that becomes a recurring activity. The people who do like it start asking "How could you not like it?" like there's something wrong with those that do.
(emphasis mine)

I'm sorry, but I call bullshit on this. People who dislike the show are constantly pointing how the show fails at being all sorts of things it wasn't trying to be, so "therefore" the show sucks. Well, wait a minute. Sucks at what? Sucks at being the show that person wanted it to be? Sure, no problem. People have reasons they dislike something, obviously; no sweat. But the problem arises when people imply that it "fails at being a good show" simply because it wasn't what they wanted.

I think everyone should bring on all the reasons why they felt the show wasn't enjoyable to them. But don't tell me "the show sucked", because that's making your personal feelings the show's fault. Tell me "I didn't enjoy it and here's why". If people would only state their opinions properly, we wouldn't have this sort of problem. The problems most people have with this show are not objective flaws, they're subjective preferences.

Originally Posted by Vexx View Post
Hi, please don't try that argument ... simply by posting here when you discuss a series, YOU regard yourself as a critic. That's why everyone posts here -- they're doing critical analysis, whether they think so or not. This forum is a "shared blog" in a manner of speaking.
Hi, I'm going to try that argument. I don't regard myself as a critic. I regard myself as just someone watching the show trying to share my experiences and explain why impressions and feelings when watching the show. A critic is trying to evaluate the work and describe, in objective terms, its qualities. I, for one, am only trying to describe my own reactions and possible reasons for those feelings. So, no, not everyone who comes here sees themselves as a critic, and it annoys me to no end that people act like everyone is aspiring to be one whether they know it or not. The world has enough critics; I just want to be a fan and talk about what I like, thank you very much. Everyone has their own reasons for being here.

I'm not trying to say this show is perfect by any means, or that I enjoyed everything about it -- I didn't. And I'm not saying that I don't want to hear people's dissenting opinions -- sure I do, because maybe we have stuff in common! But this "defending the right to be a critic" stuff is the same every time it comes up, and there's always two sides to the story.

And here I thought I wasn't going to get into this again...
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