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Old 2009-06-21, 16:24   Link #200
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Cracow
Age: 46
Most interesting thing is that author has put a plot, lets use manga terminology, fitting for seinen and drama into shounen and comedy. It's risky, people tends to like stories they know (or rather recognize) and expecting, with protagonist they could identify with. On the other hand too predictable stories are fun to read (if written well), but fast to forget. So far Nishio Ishin has used standard shounen cliches, just slighly modyfing them, and put a seinen plot into shounen. Thanks to that he created story everyone could recognize, but with some novelty.
IMHO Akune is not used to force Zenkichi to grow (standard shounen cliche), but to cause readers to identify with main protagonist more. How many of you have lost a girl you have a crush for a jerk somewhat simmilar to Akune?
Akune doesn't need to grow, he is a fine young man already. Medaka is the one in need to mature.
I'm a book worm I read a lot, and I read really fast, as a average, since my 4 grade I'm reading about 200-230 books yearly, comics, manuals, school books etc. not included. Because of that it;s really hard for me to find a well written story which is not predictable for me. And that's a reason why I've found Medaka Box so interesting. Althought I've some predictions about main plot, there is lots of small plot devices which are unknown, and unpredictable for me:
1. Zenkichi family/social status. Him beeing a son of Medaka family servant/coworker is most probable, almost clilche, but I've feeling im my guts, there will be another explanation.
2. It's a shounen manga, so Zenkichi must get rid of Akune. Standard shounen plot would include Zenkichi becoming stronger/smarter/etc. but it won't fit in that story. I suppose after Zenkichi resignatnion, Medaka will also resign, if so, how they will be back into student council?
3. How another love interest for Zenkichi will be introduced into story? I doubt it will be judo club capitan or Shiranui, another childhood friend doesn't fit either.
4. Akune couldn't stay as bastard for too long, or readers will become to angry, so how author intend to turn him into likeable bastard? Most probably Akune will save Zenkichi soon.
5. Role of Shiranui. She has to much "screen time" to be just a person who is giving readers (Zenkichi) insight what others student are thinking abous student council. Zenkichi male classmate (dont remember his name) is good enought for this. She could be a potential love interest for Zenkichi but I doubt that.
I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally.

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