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Old 2009-06-23, 05:28   Link #11
anime berkeley
Join Date: Apr 2007
Originally Posted by dnab View Post
What if there exists a parallel universe which, though similar with the one here, intersects no point at anytime. Then sliders may act with fore knowledge (like jumping into different futures, check out which one she likes, and jump back to affect the present) without the paradox restrictions.
Actually I'm quite aware of the difference between parallel universe and alternate timelines. (We're assuming here that the girl who made the call to Kyon in bath is in fact a slider) It would make her action more purposeful if she knows what she's doing. The alpha and beta are distinct timelines, and that call shouldn't be an accident. I've given her the ability to go "up & down" as well as "sideways" so she can obtain this fore knowledge herself, but there ought other, creative means to attain the said fore knowledge. The purpose for this exercise is not to "call the market" (serious business to dominate a thread) but "present possibilities" (fun exercise in rhetorical musing).

In support of the multiple-future theory, there are a couple places I can think of off top of my head:

1) In Kyon & Mikuru's first encounter with Fujiwara, Kyon asked Mikuru "if she knew of this asshole", to which she replied "I don't know. My ..... eh, known people does not include him." I'm being literal here, but the stutter doesn't show up in some translations. It could, of course, be the result of Mikuru being nervous of the situation. An intriguing possibility is that she swallowed a word in midstream to rephrase her sentence. "My (future/timeline) does not include him"?

2) After the failed Michiru kidnapping attempt Fujiwara again showed up in the kidnapper vehicle. At which he said "This is a predetermined event, too. For us as well, that is. So you can't blame us." And the kidnapper girl said, "You tell me, how many futures have been decided? It requires a bit of skill to follow through to the correct outcome without deviating from the intended path, you know. While anyone can dance easily, it's very difficult having to dance correctly as instructed."

Fujiwara's first encounter with Mikuru may not be her first encounter with him, like Kyon & Yuki. But again they can still be coming from different futures to dangle in the present. Nothing Tanigawa written yet has precluded multiple-futures.
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