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Old 2009-06-27, 07:27   Link #178
Roger Rambo
Sensei, aishite imasu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Hong Kong Shatterdome
Originally Posted by quigonkenny View Post
Well, first off, it's every 14 days, but that's not material to the discussion. If perhaps you had bothered reading what I wrote instead of just snipping it out of hand, you might have realized that I wasn't suggesting that Earth moves back to its original position. Quite the contrary. How would she move it to somewhere where, by the bounds of the theory, she has no power? And how does one misread "In other words, the position of Mars in the night sky would move forward 14 days each time they do the stargazing"? She's not changing the positions of any celestial bodies when she resets time, Earth included. She just subconsciously resets things back two weeks for everyone on Earth, and sub-subconsciously cooks the books so that no one notices that the stars (or planets) are in the wrong places.
The fact that she doesn't change the earths position every time she resets time is the very problem we're dealing with here. Suppose you have a personal time travel device and you decide to use it to go back 10 minutes into the past while flying on an airplane. The problem here is that 10 minutes ago your exact position HAS no air plane. So you fall into the ocean. If you sent a particular planet into the past, it's position relative to the solar system would change not because you moved it away from the Solar system, but because the solar system moved away from it.

This would only not be an issue if Haruhi really wasn't really sending the earth back in time, but just altering the earth to be in a state almost identical to that initial summer 500 odd years ago. In which case it wouldn't really be time travel. Of course if the loop created didn't actually have anything to do with time travel, one must wonder why it prevented Mikuru from time traveling.
Originally Posted by Daniel E. View Post
Damn furries

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