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Old 2003-11-26, 02:54   Link #16
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2003
Pleeeeeeease. Don't judge if you don't know what you're talking about. You're just sounding like an ass, writing random comments.

First, I'd like to say that I was the one who had that distro idea. Why? More or less simple, but let's try to keep it simple.

Right now, ANBU is fansubing 2 of the biggest series out there (Popularity wise). Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist. As we all know, leechers are ready to do anything to get their aniem fix and more often than not, all the bots would end up beign down after a few minutes/hours of distroing because leechers can't come down and leech respectivly, they gotta hamemr the bots until they either send or ping time out. So I told myself... If I can get those leechers out of here, then it will give good leechers a chance to leech the file and enjoy the anime they've been waiting for. So I decided to make the rape list point to a forum thread (The rape list used to be on IRC, using a trigger to list the bots with the file) where you can find out how to download the file on IRC and on BT. That way, annoying leechers give up and go download somewhere else while dedicated fans don't mind it and they get to leech in our chan. So... Yah. We ain't forcing anybody to register, and we sure ain't making this to boost our penis' size. We just want to be able to distro files without having 23457264287 kids sending send requests to the bots ever 2 seconds. If you ain't happy, use BT. Its simple.
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