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Old 2009-07-03, 12:22   Link #428
At the end of this world
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Hungary, Europe
Age: 39
Originally Posted by BetoJR View Post
I, personally, find it interesting that sometimes we get this furor whenever something gets licensed for commercialization outside Japan. Is it really better to not have it at all, and rely on fans' works to enjoy the games?

Notice I'm not bashing whoever does translate the games for the fun of it - I find they do a bang up job - but I do wonder...
To be frank, I'm absolutely happy that official localizations are moving towards story centered titles (Edelweiss, Princess Waltz, Kira Kira, and most of the freshly announced titles for example) instead of the Sex-fests which was the majority in the past, however I just wish they would have chosen something which never (or not in the foreseeable future) gets a fantranslation.
Demonbane, Higurashi, Shuffle all have/had an already considerable fantranslation (easily expandable maybe a better word), while many many great titles don't even have anything planned, or they really at the beginning ( <10%).
I bet my ass people would have bought Sharin no Kuri for example, Swan Song, Fortune Arterial, or Muv-Luv series etc (I'd buy it for sure), and none of them has a predictable localization currently going.

That's why I agree with Ace, and I would have preferred if they show some consideration towards those few people who are/were in the process of fan-translating stuff (it's not like there are so many of them to be perfectly honest, the VN community is ridiculously small when you compare it with the anime fanbase).
On the other hand I can see where MG is coming from, because Higurashi or Shuffle is indeed a good choice to make income, as they do have a large fan-base due to the anime, and the game may also attract many people due to watching Umineko.
Oh well, that's how capitalism works I guess... :/
We have a Hungarian proverb related here: "The money talks, the dog barks".
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