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Old 2009-07-06, 13:05   Link #8674
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: at GNR, bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts
Age: 39
suzaku helps lelouch take over britannia while grudgingly accepting that he has to use geass and other, less then honorable means, in order to do so
lelouch changes britannia from within
lelouch leads britannia to join the UFN
world peace is created.
thats a "learned his lesson" conclusion
THATS a "needing to end the war"

suzaku helps lelouch take over britannia while not caring in the slightest what this intales
helping lelouch take kaguya and the UFN representitives hostage, and basiclly kick start another round of world war 3
because they WANT to do that, rather then just make peace in the first place (ending the war)
thats taking things WAY too far for proper character development
contrast suzaku of ep 18 with suzaku of ep 20 and you can hardly even call them the same person
hence, character derailment
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