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Old 2009-07-12, 09:55   Link #284
Komrades of Kitamura Kou
Join Date: Jul 2004
Age: 39
Honestly I'd realize how fantastic Shaft's animation is if it weren't for the fact that their excessive use of hard oppressive colors, rapidly shifting shots, animation style shifts and rapid word flashing left painful burns on both my retinas.

Honestly I can't watch this mostly because my eyes can't take this abuse. I loved the Ef seasons to death and Shaft's unique use of imagery and visual wordplay for those seasons really made them stand out from the pack of generic romances, but this is plain excessive on their part. At least Zetsubo Sensei (from what I've seen, I stopped after season 2) used drab and dull colors at times to balance it out, in contrast this is a visual assault to my eyes. Are they overcompensating for something? Jesus.

Another thing is the pacing. I don't know if it's because I can't look at the screen for more than 30sec at the most before I need to wipe my eyes, but I think the pacing is all over the place. Since I've been told that each episode is self-contained, I'm just gonna have a difficult time keeping up with this. No amount of fantastic animation can make up for that.
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