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Old 2009-07-16, 03:03   Link #19
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Houston, TX, USA
It's funny that most of the posts in Endless Eight threads are actually meta-discussion -- discussion about fan reactions, Kyoto Animation's and Kadokawa's motives, implications of repeating Endless Eight, whatever else. There's been so much more of that than discussion of the episodes themselves!

I guess it's kind of inevitable.

Anyway, in all likelihood we're going to have another unresolved loop today. I'm hoping for a really off-the-wall episode where Kyon and the others are told exactly how many times they've discovered the loop and as a result go buckwild attempting to break out of their endless recursion.

...only to have it fail next week.

The craziness would be worth yet another iteration of Endless Eight.
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