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Old 2009-07-16, 18:50   Link #259
Charred Knight
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
You know, maybe they're just old-school, but I bet Kadokawa prefers the days where the people in foreign markets weren't pirating their works left-right-and-center and then claiming to be "customers" without paying a single cent for the content. Where customers of services or entertainment were supposed to vote with THEIR WALLETS if they didn't like what was being served up.

But I guess that, for those who like being on the cutting edge and have the audacity to tell them from half-way around the world that they're doing it all wrong, THIS is truly what they deserve.

I'm being mostly facetious (yes, I know that people in Japan are mad too, and I know that Kadokawa is streaming it with subtitles), but you're not getting "screwed". They don't owe you entertainment. Of course it's fine that your expectations haven't been met and that you're disappointed, but don't make this into some sort of master plan to screw people over. We're in this by choice. If you don't like what they're selling, don't buy it. If and when you do like what they're selling, buy it. If you don't want to wait, watch/buy something else.

The customer isn't always right, but they're always the customer... except, in some cases, when they're not.

(I guess I'm trying to say, "quit acting so butthurt", but I guess that's sort of your point, so... )

All that needs to be said about the ''Customer is always right" thing is when someone tried to pull this off by breaking his pirated copy of the first season. Yes, Kadokawa should probably care what the Japanese think, but while Haruhi did sell well for a moe show in America, it was still only like number 10.
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