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Old 2009-07-23, 14:35   Link #189
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Age: 39
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
They're doing a pretty poor job of killing it, then, because fan awareness and buzz is higher than ever (even if "opinion" is pretty low). Just wait until the episode that ends this arc airs, or the episode subsequent. People are so desperate now for something new that whatever we get next will seem amazing by comparison.
It has been said that T.V. ratings are not important for a show like Haruhi. "Buzz" may be enough to get people to tune in, but it won't be enough for most to buy DVDs. Based on this model, I would say that, if they are trying to kill Haruhi, they certainly are doing the best they can.

Originally Posted by Mentar View Post

Strange. But I'm not really angry. I'm giggling at the remaining "true believers" and don't care anymore. And hope that the DVD sales tank to record lows.
I quite agree. I lot of supporters repeat time and again how much they enjoy watching the fandom "rage". But I'm starting enjoy watching the them say again and again that they are "loving every episode", and even more so when they try to defend it as innovative.
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