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Old 2009-07-24, 02:08   Link #1273
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Originally Posted by Aquaman OS View Post
Heh, tell that to the Durandal supporters 4tran. I was just coming up with a way to retort the top Durandal supporter arguement of "The assassins couldn't have been sent by Zaft because they would have sent Coordinators, and those guys couldn't have been Coordinators, because a Natural woman, and a Coordinator cripple were able to hold them back."

In regards to the assisination attempt, the so called co-ordinators\elite\specialforces guys is not doing any justice if the viewer is watching scenes like a a guy running out of a door spraying bullets like an 8 year old playing a first person shooter for the first time.

Im sorry if im suppose to take those kind of actions seriously to establish they are (elite/specialforces) when i have seen other anime and hollywood movies do a far better job to distinguish idiots from proffessionals. (Btw i am also serviceman)

Im not asking for fakuda to do SWAT/Commando training to be exactly executed in the real world. All im asking is to make sure the scenes they put in are convincing to a generous degree that words co-ordinators/specialforces ETC are met with the actual dialogue of they are what they suppose to act on to be.

This is not helping either when there is no solid proof that lucas faction thinks that Dullindal sent them on just mere circumstantional situations. This will just add more towards Dullindall is innocent arguments that could of been minmised if there is a more convincing on screen illustration.

Originally Posted by Aquaman OS View Post
Why can't everyone be open minded?
This is just another way of saying, why cant people accept my point of view

Originally Posted by monstert View Post
Whoever actually sent those assassins didn't really matter in the end. The fact that they were using relatively new ZAFT mobile suits and someone is posing as Lacus was enough for Lacus to not trust the chairman. But it's not like they're outright saying it was him. Other things came up and that whole assasination attempt became just a catalyst to get Lacus more actively involved with the outside world.
Problem is CE is infamous for gundam jacks. Gundams are stolen from high security areas is a norm. If these peices of equipment can get stolen so easily i cant see y non gundam hardware cant be stolen as easily or even more easier.

This just adds another example on how Dullindal could be/is innocent with bad directing execution.
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