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Old 2009-08-04, 11:16   Link #19
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2006
LOL, I was actually really looking forward to this filler. Woke up today and thought "OH, today is awesome Bleach day!" It's going nicely so far.

But it seems like the zanpacktous are stronger than their counter parts... this is all rather interesting, except they still use those dang korny lines in so many series.

I can see what led to this event and have a decent idea of how it's going to be solved. Brute force and authoritative ruling is bad.... brute force is good only when it's Zaraki...

"Has there been anything awkward with your zanpacktou?"
"No, not really."

OMG, did he not just have an awkward convo with old man Zang in the previous episode? Always leaving out detail...
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