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Old 2009-08-05, 10:02   Link #1816
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: ...In America!
I thought that the Royal Garden was at the edge of the world. Though even still the wording implies that there is likely to be some kind of connection there.

I'm pretty sure Sakuya said she was into the big brother types (and that was the way I interpreted it at the time) though she and Hayate agreed that her calling him 'big brother' would be weird. She may not be a major player but Nagi has gotten jealous of her and Hayate being together several times so at least Nagi considers it a possibility. This may mean something as she was also the only one to actually suspect that Hina might fall for Hayate, though that may be due to fear.

Sonia (the nun) has some serious issues with Hayate going on. Still, it's not like he can't take her in a fight if he had to and I think she knows it. What I'm curious about is what she'll do when she finds out that Wataru is such good friends with Hayate. She seems like such a shotacon that I think she may actually forgive Hayate and forget all about it to get brownie points with Wataru. Can't wait to see how all this plays out.
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