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Old 2009-08-06, 07:49   Link #148
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Join Date: May 2009
that's because they unfortunatley probably don't have the time to provide fleshed out intros for all the characters in brotherhood due to an episode limit of ~50, although some of the characters do come out of nowhere in the manga, too(ie: Finding Ling collapsed in an alley).

also, the 5th lab had a whole bunc hof other stuff going on in the first anime than in the manga.. it's where the story really gets going TBH.

Hugh's death is a catalyst for springing mustang into action in the manga, as well as a way to amplify the mystery/conspiracy feeling surrounding the homunculi and their control over the military.

In the first anime, it's more of a death for the heck of it, for emotional impact.
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