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Old 2009-08-09, 01:55   Link #290
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Join Date: Dec 2007
when it comes to romantic relationships, I doubt money matters that much to Kyon, if Mikuru was bankrupt & broke, he'd still go for her lol.

Personally though my favourite haruhi-verse character is Yuki, Tsuruya comes in a a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY close 2nd, Yuki just edges out her marginally, mostly because of character development, that and I consider her a pretty kool character, with Moe Yuki in Yuki-verse from Disappearance being the cherry on top.

And since Yuki is my favourite, what she wants she gets, and if it happens that she wants Kyon then so be it.

As for how a Kyon x Tsuruya relationship would turn out, I remember reading a Doujin of a Kyon on a date with Tsuruya and Tsuruya was so hyper that Kyon had to date 8 Tsuruyas simutaneously because she was moving so fast she had created Kagebushin's (shadow clones) of herself.

Can you imagine Kyon being intimate with 8 Tsuruyas? he'd die of fatigue... although it'd most likely be a happy death lol..

Hm....8 ... it comes up again... curse you E8, will you not stop harassing me!!! :P

As for the Anti-SOS, I wouldn't mind a Kyon x Sasaki pairing... most of the influence is from doujins lol.

Originally Posted by quigonkenny
KyonxKyon's Sister: Next, please...
For some reason I can hear somebody screaming WINCEST in the background somewhere lol.
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