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Old 2009-08-09, 20:31   Link #2577
Join Date: Jul 2006
Position(s): Japanese < English Translators, Encoders, Typesetters, AFXer, Editors
Group: Natsukashii-Subs
Project(s): Not Really anime I'm looking to sub Music videos and TV performances of 70s and 80s JPOP idols. Stuff like Noriko Sakai, Yui Asaka, Nitta Eri, Princess Princess
IRC Channel: Will make one if there is a big interest in these kind of Fansubs

I do have experience in producing these kind of fansubs I was the founder of Hello-fansubs one of the biggest Morning Musume Fansub groups on the internet for the english speaking community. I've also worked with a lot of different anime fansub groups.

I hope some people here enjoy older jpop as much as I do and would like to see stuff from that era subbed!

Email if interested!
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