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Old 2009-08-12, 14:07   Link #1295
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama View Post
You know what, I can sort of dig that, but the problem is that people that write about Code Geass are generally already pretty negative, and actually moreso than you. It's the silent people that make up the crowd that brought into the ranks of the top anime on most aggregator sites.
Meh, I don't blame them. If I like a series myself, I usually have nothing to say about it. Yet, mentioning the faults and arguing about it can fill encyclopedias.The spice flows in imperfection after all.

Anyway, the stuff about editing my review two posts up? Won't happen. I hear they will make a remake of the second season. Official statement in a few months.

And if it happens (which most likely will because it's a goose that lays gold eggs) I will yell "I told you so and you knew it all along".
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