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Old 2009-08-12, 18:24   Link #1031
Let's Puppystyle!
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Best Place In The WORLD
Age: 32
Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
Well i guess this outcome from the min Cal showed up. However i am not too found of the development it just seems like they keep throwing SM a bone everytime he takes a hit or a lose to keep him in the game. To me it just seems like are giving him ways to make him even more of a bastard so the audience hates him even more. But everyones luck runs out i just hope they dont keep tossing convenient things his way.

If he manages to break Cal like he broke Ein thats just going to make it even sicker. However Cal has a rebellious nature and i cant see her forming an emotional attachment to SM long enough for him to manipulate her for long. But she is emotional over what she thinks happen to Reiji that could be enough for SM to get her to be a puppet.

I still think Ein and Zwei will lay low in Mexico for a bit form a plan and come back to wipe not only SM but Inferno off the map to keep others from falling into the same darkness they fell into. A reckoning is coming im just not sure who will leave to see the aftermath.
I just hope Cal doesn't get touched/molested/licked by SM like Ein did (if he even lays one finger on my precious Cal imma rip his head off ARGHHHH)

Originally Posted by Kroni View Post
The sad thing is that it's not even all that dark, compared to some of the stuff from years ago.

What has happened to Japan. v_v
Yeah i know rooooight? The moe-otaku fans have taken over >.<!! It's all about marketing, especially at such bad economic times >.>
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