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Old 2009-08-13, 10:38   Link #3
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Master Anime View Post
after 11eyes now campanella will become anime
Can't wait to see chelsea

This should make for a pretty natural 12-episode anime (which is all I'm expecting, unfortunately), but I would guess that it's going to be the sort of show you're going to watch for the characters and less for the plot. Basically, I am expecting a more light-hearted version of Happiness!, with more gags and humour, and a similarly-campy ending (as, like most Windmill games, the story was deliberately campy, but not quite to the point where it's a full-on parody). The game sort of plays out like a bishoujo-cetric RPG plot, so I'd expect some setup episodes, character episodes, random humour/fanservice episodes, and then a rush towards a conclusion. But despite that (and though that may sound like a bad thing to some people), the story in the game carries itself entirely on the strength of its characters and their interactions (and its over-the-top-ness in almost every way), so it should be fun enough to watch. I expect Chelsea to easily capture the hearts of most of the fans (though, like most favoured protagonists...), but I personally liked all the other heroines as well.

Anyway, I'm not expecting a revolution here, but I think it should be fun. I'm looking forward to it!
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