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Old 2009-08-23, 13:42   Link #229
A blast from the past
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Fortaleza-CE, Brazil
Age: 46
I still don't see what's so complex about Nina, even after that overly long wall of text - you simply outlined what anyone who watched the series saw. But if you do really want to over-analise her to death and find hidden meanings to her actions or whatnot, then be my guest, bub.
Don't be disheartened when not everyone agrees with your interpretations, tho (hint: I don't. I still find her character very straightforward, and not all that deep or complex or whatever it is you're trying to prove here - not to say I don't find her interesting, or a nice character; one thing does not negate the other), or even not find your points terribly interesting - and, at least, try to be less nasty about such disagreements, in the future. I don't really care for childish bantering, myself - unless it's in good spirits, which was clearly not the case with your post.

Also, I'll be the judge on what I consider a worthwhile post, thank you very much.
See ya - or not.
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