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Old 2009-08-25, 23:13   Link #15
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Suburban DC
i don't know if you saw Mononoke but that was in fact Toei.

Toei is to be rightly condemmed for their mainly bottom of the barrel production quality but it's not a 100% factor. The 6th and 9th One piece movies were well done as was the Digimon films (directed by Mamoru Hosoda who did TokiKake). Also, Ashita no Nadja was very nice and individial eps of One Piece approach a quality of those special Naruto eps, so while rare, they can make good stuff.

I don't know how but the Director Kenji Nakamura seems to attract talented animators and stylists to his work, so he will probably make like Mononoke and get a lotta good freelance people, along with whatever talented people Toei has on staff. (At least I hope)
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