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Old 2009-08-27, 17:49   Link #1970
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Originally Posted by ChaosDimension View Post
Ok, guys this is spiraling out of control and yes I give up. I don't know how it ended up being a discussion about Higurashi but I will probably lose regarding that as I have only watched the anime(yes I know how things are lost in conversion from VN to anime).

Here's what I'm really trying to get across.
In the Umineko introduction Ryukishi challenges us to a mystery, "Do witches exist or not?". It's merely question of YES and NO. What I'm trying to warn people about is that people are theorizing both are a possible outcome. While it is a possible, they are now going into the realm of MAYBE. Which, in my opinion, not what Ryukishi is aiming for. I am sorry for saying that there is only 2 possible solutions, 100% anti mystery and 100% anti fantasy that was wrong of me and I should've worded that as a the "yes or no question." Also, I acknowledge that having 100% mystery is possible while acknowledging witches. That too should've been worded differently. My intended warning was to those that had theories but hit a wall and used witches as a scapegoat because it couldn't be explained. Not to people with theories that had 100% mystery theories with witches either helping battler find out the truth or some other variation of the sort.

Hope that clear things up. And I'll try to read higurashi, I have it installed since forever but I guess having the anime influence you first hurts your first impressions doesn't it

(That and so I got coherent backing when I'm arguing using higurashi )
For me, the challenge was never "Do witches exist or not?". The challenge came at the end of episode 1 in the form of a letter:

Spoiler for Maria's Letter:

This challenge letter does not mention witches once and is almost the same as the letter left in Higurashi.

Like you said, everyone has their own opinions but I recommend not dropping this one.

We'll all be rewarded with the truth in the end.
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