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Old 2009-08-29, 15:11   Link #59
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Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
You're right. Ryoko is the only true antagonist/villain that this anime has... at least thus far. Well... the Computer Club President is somewhat of an antagonist in Day of Sagittarius.

It's important to remember that a lot of animes don't have antagonists. K-On is completely bereft of them, for example.
The Computer Club President! I've forgot about him. Yeah, he was the antagonist there. Btw I would say the antagonist of K-ON is the laziness of the girls. It is what prevent then to be a sucess as a band. But, well, is not like their objectives is beinga sucess(it is, actually, have fun), so I guess you are right

Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
For me, a villain is a character that deliberately causes problems and conflict for the protagonist... and is doing so for what most fans (at least) would consider villainous reasons. In Sighs, I would consider Haruhi's motivation for making the movie to be a good one - she wants to make her school's cultural festival better. It's still causing frustration/suffering for the SOS Brigade, though.
You are right. 'Vilian' was not the better word.

Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
Let me give you an example of a character that's an antagonist but not a villain: Fate Testarossa in the original Nanoha anime.

Fate is deliberately causing problems and conflict for Nanoha... but she's doing it to help her mom, and it's not like she wants to hurt Nanoha; it's just that it's impossible for both of them to have all the jewel seeds.

Precia Testarossa is a good example of a villain. She delights in inflicting pain on Fate, after Fate switches to the protagonist side.
Well, too bad I never watch Nanoha. I understand your point anyway. Another antagonist who is not a villian would be L from Death Note, even better, Matsuda and Father Yagami, both completely good person who are against the (vilanious) protagonist. Other exemples would be Chao from Negima!(not-so-bad things for an arguebly good reason), many aliens from GANTZ (many just stay quiet when the protagonist come to slay then) and most rivals from a competition anime (like Gary of Pokemon or Akira from Hikaru no Go).
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