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Old 2009-08-30, 06:02   Link #4158
Mad Scientist #0000
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Hungry
Age: 35
Send a message via MSN to willyvereb's a weak excuse. Especially if she can arm herself in a second with pure magical power. And question...what kind of protective wear have no signs even at bath or something like that? least it's true that only Akiha-sama looks attractive without any kind of "towering pride"(I mean big breasts). It seems even the official artist finding Saber unstatisfactory without any.(I share a different opinion, but well...It's sure helpfull if she looks a bit more "mature")
I just don't like when artists are differing from the official idea just because they want to. Man, with that Idea you can make Shirou female just because it matches your preference(Oh? They did it! least not in official works.). Man Imagine a female Shirou with a female Archer in the UBW would really ruin it.
P.S: Saber being "flat-chested"(well, not as much...I think we all know worse). Has an important meaning. She hasn't ever considered herself a woman in her life. And they ruin it simply cause of fan-service. Nice move...
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