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Old 2009-08-31, 00:53   Link #2304
Are you a lolicon? :3
Join Date: Aug 2009
Like Mentar said, she was shaping him in her ideal of a man (or servant, whatever the reasons..).

We don't know what the ring represented to her so we can't really blame it for her burst of anger, but we can't exclude it either. She did live in an incredible place and was (well still probably is) filthy rich. If what Hina said isn't wrong, then Athena's parents could possibly be similar to Hayate's, in the regard of loving something else more (something material probably) than them. So from who did she get the ring? Did she lie about it's value if it was from her parents just to justify her anger? Or....

Anyway, Hayate was always meant to be a good slave. It's ok if he never finds love for the rest of his life, or dies a miserable and pathetic death (like tripping over his shoelace off a cliff).
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