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Old 2009-09-01, 14:03   Link #71
Join Date: Jul 2009
Originally Posted by Mai Tokiha View Post
As much as I love the manga, I never liked Natsuki liking Tate! Mai is a better fit!
No, I definately see them as best friends, nothing more, imo it would be a sorta bland relationship. Think about Natsuki always happy which means she'll lose her prudishness that I loved. (that's if the writers were to take it there) Not to mention they both have sexual insecurities. It's like Keichi and Belldandy from Ah My Goddess. It's cute because the story centers around their relationship but it just gets boring after a while. It's just sort of...not exciting. Whereas Shiznat there's a constant push and pull, a "cat and mouse"if you will, humour, cuteness and sexiness, it's interesting to me as well as the majority of fans. JMHO I like Mai as a character tho just not with Natsuki. Anyway, moving on, I voted for Takumi Akira, because it's an interesting couple. What another poster said it's almost yaoi plus I really like Akira's struggle and Takumi is my favorite out of all the male cast members.
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