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Old 2009-09-03, 05:26   Link #13
Join Date: Sep 2009
I thought that was a nice episode. Sure, it did not have any crazy twist turns, but the ending left you a bit dump-founded, not like "zomg what Lawrence might choose?" but about what that woman is after. I mean, she is a smart seemingly merchant, she can tell that Horo is a very important person to Lawrence, why would she ask him to sell her, when she knows she will get a negative reply?

As for Horo/Lawrence interaction, as usual i thought it was entertaining, funny and meaningful at the same time. I believe, that Horo is just scared, of losing those happiness moments with him. Or rather, she knows she will, since the lifespan of a human and a pagan are different, and the realization might just kicked her in.
As forx2 how companions she had in the past, i think she might have had, since she does seem to know a lot about how males react and stuff (also in one epi in s1, said that males fail to keep their promises, leading us to believe, she had a bad experience maybe) but her sad-longing face when Lawrence asked her, was a bit confusing.

Anyway, (fuck this was a long post, lol) nice episode, let us see what the next one holds.
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