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Old 2009-09-16, 19:55   Link #20949
Master of the Shiny Crack
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Originally Posted by LVD View Post
No, not really....
Is it that hard to google image search.... ?
a) I helped uncle jack off a horse.
b) I helped Uncle Jack off a horse.

a) They spoke better than most native American speakers.
b) They spoke better than most Native American speakers.

CAPITALS ARE IMPORTANT. ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
Tell that to ye olde British. RANDOM CAPITALIZATION EVERYWHERE. But yeah the subtle nuances of language are very important. Technically a native American would be say, me. Someone who is from America.

and fyi Columbus was trying to go to the Indies (which includes but is not only, India) thus the term Indians and also Native Americans while considered a more "respectful term" isn't used by said Native Americans (at least as far as I can tell )

NOW that the history lesson is done....

Here's a smexy zaffy repost to get us back on topic

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