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Old 2009-10-07, 02:05   Link #3349
~Lies evolves into Truth~
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Originally Posted by Koroshiya_Kame_13 View Post
Well alright. Kanji's not really hard when you pick up the trends. Kanjis were based on actual objects long ago and you can guess the meaning most of the time with the sentence its in and what components its made up of.
Oh I know most of the theoretical things about Kanji, since I am of a Chinese ethnicity and was born and raised in a mostly chinese inhabitated town before moving to an English speaking country when I was young. Safe to say, I forgot most of the little Kanji I learnt when I was young (doesn't help when the school also forces you to learn French, German or Spanish and Latin; of which I forgot most of it but can still translate a little).

That said, I can still listen to everyday usage of Mandarin, and the dialect my family uses (Fuzhou) fluently.

I really do love languages and the variation they bring. I've been exposed to 7 languages (6 if you discount Fuzhou which is a dialect like Cantonese to Mandarin) and they really are great fun (although I do hate some parts of it). The Cultural differences are a treat to find out about.
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