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Old 2009-10-11, 01:59   Link #277
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Originally Posted by Gangsta Spanksta View Post
No, while clare might occasionally engage in a reckless act, she is mislabeled as Reckless by others. Clare's reputation is ill-deserved, because whenever she does something that people say is reckless, there is no other choice. Clare going into Riful's layer? Each time it was to save someone, where she ended up saving Gene's life, and this last time she wanted to save Rene despite her saying it was for Rafaela. Going to the town early before miria and group arrives? That was to save civilians, because Clare couldn't idly sit on her hands, when it is the orgs policy to let a few more people get killed while they wait for an entire group to be formed. Clare was unwilling to let those people die. There is usually a reason to Clare's madness.
Clare going into Riful's lair where there was an awakened former number 3 AND an abyssal one. Her chances of survival against such opponents could be considered as slim. As powerful as Clare was, she was still no match for a number 1, let alone an abyssal.

The group to tackle the Yoma from the town had been formed due to reports that there could be an awakened one in that town. If the reports had been true and there really was an awakened one rather than a pack of Yoma, Clare would've been done for. As things are, her whole group who took the awakened one on the mountain side with Miria, Helen and Deneve nearly resulted in all their deaths. By herself, Clare would surely have died.

There is a reason for Clare's recklessness, yes, but it's still reckless because she always rushed into combat without knowing the full situation of what was happening on the battlefield.
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