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Old 2009-10-13, 16:00   Link #341
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: London
Age: 43
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On galactic movement, you can perceive it and cross-reference it by the relative positions of the stars across your own life-time and given patience historical records

As for our senses working against us and not using our brains, you realizes that those two (senses/brain) are tightly correlated. Your brain can only process what you perceive, so if you mistrust your perception you do not have information to process, hence your logical deduction will slowly become a matter of faith than reason.

The problem with Umineko's presentation is that in order to appreciate it, you have to do exactly that, accept that what you (the viewer, not even meta-Battler) see might not be true. If they played on the insanity theme correctly (Naked Lunch, Lost Highway, to name my favourite) I would have loved it, but instead it looks like a directionless b-flick without any idea or plan where it heading ... that probably applies to game too.

By the way, reading my post again, I think I was overly sarcastic, sorry for that, I hope you did not misunderstood
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